姓名:石怀涛 职称:教授
沈阳市优秀科技工作者、沈阳市优秀研究生指导教师、沈阳建筑大学 2018-2020 年度"三全育人"先进个人、沈阳建筑大学优秀共产党员等荣誉等称号。
受邀担任国际机器人领域顶级期刊《JOURNAL OF FIELD ROBOTICS》副主编、《制造业自动化》青年编委等。现任全国标准化技术国家标准委员会委员、辽宁省振动工程学会副理事长、
2022 中组部国家“万人计划”青年拔尖人才
2020 辽宁省科技进步一等奖(排名第2)
2019 辽宁省青年科技奖(个人奖)
2023 中国振动工程学会科学技术二等奖(排名第1)
2023 中国产学研合作创新成果二等奖(排名第2)
2023 辽宁省优秀研究生导师(荣誉称号)
2022 辽宁省高等教育(本科)教学成果一等奖(排名第2)
2022 辽宁省高等教育(研究生)教学成果二等奖(排名第2)
2020 辽宁省“兴辽英才”百千万人才工程百人层次(人才称号)
2020 辽宁省“兴辽英才”青年拔尖人才(人才称号)
2022 辽宁省优秀科技工作者(人才称号)
2022 辽宁省自然科学成果二等奖(排名第1)
2019 国家住建部华夏科技进步奖三等奖(排名第2)
2021 全国第二批高校黄大年式教师团队(排名第2)
2022 沈阳市十大科技英才(人才称号)
2022 沈阳市科技领军人才(人才称号)
2020 沈阳市优秀科技工作者(荣誉称号)
2020 沈阳市优秀研究生指导教师(荣誉称号)
2020 沈阳建筑大学2018-2020年度“三全育人”综合改革及建设先进个人(荣誉称号)
2023 沈阳建筑大学优秀共产党员
2022~至今 辽宁省振动学会副理事长
2022~至今 国际机器人领域顶级期刊《JOURNAL OF FIELD ROBOTICS》副主编
2019~至今 全国专业标准化技术国家标准委员会委员
2016~至今 中国振动学会转子动力学专业委员会常务理事
2016~至今 中机生产工程机床专业委员会专家委员
2020~至今 中国工程建筑机器人标准化专业委员会委员
2016~至今 辽宁省“数控机床电主轴”重点实验室主任
2021~至今 《制造业自动化》期刊青年编委
(1) Li Tao, Shi Huaitao*, Bai Xiaotian, Zhang Ke, Bin Guangfu. "Experimental analysis and modeling of subsurface cracks
with random propagation for ceramic material on rolling contact fatigue." Engineering Failure Analysis 155 (2024): 107753. (SCI检索:JCR2区,IF:3.634)
(2) Shi Huaitao, Song Zelong, Bai Xiaotian, Zhang Ke. "Attention mechanism
‐based multisensor data fusion neural network for fault diagnosis of autonomous underwater vehicles." Journal of Field Robotics. (SCI检索:JCR2区,IF:6.385)
(1) Li Tao, Shi Huaitao*, Bai Xiaotian, Zhang Ke, Bin Guangfu. "Early performance degradation of ceramic bearings by a twin-driven model."
Mechanical Systems and Signal Processing 204 (2023): 110826. (SCI检索:JCR1区,IF:8.934,TOP期刊)
(2) Shi Huaitao, Song Zelong, Bai Xiaotian, Hu Yunjian, Li Tao, Zhang Ke. "A novel digital twin model
for dynamical updating and real-time mapping of local defect extension in rolling bearings." Mechanical Systems and Signal Processing 193 (2023): 110255. (SCI检索:JCR1区,IF:8.934,TOP期刊)
(3) Shi Huaitao, Li Ranran, Bai Xiaotian, Zhang Yixing, Min Linggang. "A review for control theory and condition monitoring on construction robots."
Journal of Field Robotics 40.4 (2023): 934-954. (SCI检索:JCR2区,IF:6.385)
(4) Song Zelong, Shi Huaitaio*, Bai Xiaotian, li Guowei. "Digital twin‐assisted fault diagnosis system for robot joints with insufficient data."
Journal of Field Robotics 40.2 (2023): 258-271. (SCI检索:JCR2区,IF:6.385)
(5) Tan Zhiwen, Zhang Ke, Shi Huaitao*, Chen Lu, Li Guowei. "Obstacle avoidance tracking control with antiswing and tracking errors
constraint for underactuated automated lifting robots with load hoisting/lowering." Journal of Field Robotics 40.6 (2023): 1562-1580. (SCI检索:JCR2区,IF:6.385)
(6) Li Tao, Shi Huaitao*, Bai Xiaotian, Zhang Ke. "A Digital Twin Model of Life-Cycle Rolling Bearing With Multiscale Fault Evolution
Combined With Different Scale Local Fault Extension Mechanism." IEEE Transactions on Instrumentation and Measurement 72 (2023): 1-11. (SCI检索:JCR1区,IF:5.332)
(7) Shi Huaitao, Huang Chengzhuang, Zhang Xiaochen, Zhao Jinbao. "Wasserstein distance based multi-scale adversarial domain adaptation method for remaining useful life prediction."
Applied Intelligence 53.3 (2023): 3622-3637. (SCI检索:JCR2区,IF:5.019)
(8) Li Tao, Shi Huaitao*, Bai Xiaotian, Zhang Ke. "A fault diagnosis method based on stiffness evaluation model
for full ceramic ball bearings containing subsurface cracks." Engineering Failure Analysis 148 (2023): 107213. (SCI检索:JCR2区,IF:3.634)
(9) Zhang Ke, Wang Jingyu, Shi Huaitao*, Zhang Xiaochen. "A Variable Working Condition Rolling Bearing Fault Diagnosis Method
Based on Improved Triplet Loss Algorithm." International Journal of Control, Automation and Systems 21.4 (2023): 1361-1372. (SCI检索:JCR2区,IF:2.964)
(10) Bai Xiaotian, Zhang Zhaonan, Shi Huaitao*, Luo Zhong, Li Tao. "Identification of subsurface mesoscale crack in full ceramic ball bearings
based on strain energy theory." Applied Sciences 13.13 (2023): 7783. (SCI检索:JCR2区,IF:2.838)
(1)Shi Huaitao, Li Yangyang, Bai Xiaotian, Zhang Ke, Sun Xianming. "A two-stage sound-vibration signal fusion method for weak fault detection
in rolling bearing systems." Mechanical Systems and Signal Processing 172 (2022): 109012. DOI: 10.1016/j.ymssp.2022.109012(SCI检索:JCR1区,IF:8.934,TOP期刊,WOS: 000793278800002)
(2) Shi, Huaitao, et al. "Sound-aided fault feature extraction method for rolling bearings
based on stochastic resonance and time-domain index fusion." Applied Acoustics 189 (2022): 108611. (SCI检索:JCR1区,IF:3.614)
(3) Shi H, Yao F, Yuan Z, et al. Research on nonlinear coupled tracking controller for double pendulum gantry cranes
with load hoisting/lowering[J]. Nonlinear Dynamics, 2022, 108(1): 223-238. DOI: 10.1007/s11071-021-07185-6(SCI检索:JCR1区,IF:5.741,WOS: 000743454700001)
(4) Bai Xiaotian, Shi Huaitao*, Zhang Ke, Zhang Xiaochen, Wu Yuhou. "Effect of the fit clearance between ceramic outer ring and steel pedestal
on the sound radiation of full ceramic ball bearing system." Journal of Sound and Vibration 529 (2022): 116967. DOI: 10.1016/j.jsv.2022.116967(SCI检索:JCR1区,IF: 4.761,WOS: 000793754700001)
(5) Zhang Ke, Lu Yanqiu, Shi Huaitao*, Bai Xiaotian, Yuan Zhenming. "The fault position identification method
for the outer ring of deep groove ball bearing in a wide range." Measurement 203 (2022): 111939. DOI: 10.1016/j.measurement.2022.111939(SCI检索:JCR1区,IF: 4.639,WOS: 000862034000002)
(6) Shi Huaitao, Yao Fuxing, Yuan Zhe, Hu Yunjian, Zhang Ke, Ling Fu. "Enhanced-coupling-based Tracking Control of Double Pendulum Gantry Cranes."
International Journal of Control, Automation and Systems (2022): 1-13. DOI: 10.1007/s12555-021-0401-9(SCI检索:JCR2区,IF: 2.964,WOS: 000808485300004)
(7) Zhang Ke, Gao Tianhao, Shi Huaitao*. "Bearing fault diagnosis method based on multi-source heterogeneous information fusion."
Measurement Science and Technology 33.7 (2022): 075901. DOI 10.1088/1361-6501/ac5deb(SCI检索:JCR2区,IF: 2.398,WOS: 000776451100001)
(8) Shi Huaitao, Gan Chunxia, Zhang Xiaochen, Meng Weiying, Huang Chengzhuang. "A fault diagnosis method for rolling bearings
based on RDDAN under multivariable working conditions." Measurement Science and Technology 34.2 (2022): 025003. DOI: 10.1088/1361-6501/ac9854 (SCI检索:JCR2区,IF: 2.398)
(9) Shi Huaitao, Li Tao. "Two-dimensional quantitative analysis model with a shallow spall of rolling element bearing
based on early weak multi-impact characteristics." Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers,
Part C: Journal of Mechanical Engineering Science (2022): 09544062221097341. DOI: 10.1177/09544062221097341(SCI检索:JCR3区,IF: 1.758,WOS: 000799699300001)
(10) Shi Huaitao, Hou Maxiao, Wu Yuhou, Li Baicheng . "Incipient Fault Detection of Full Ceramic Ball Bearing
Based on Modified Observer." International Journal of Control, Automation and Systems 20.3 (2022): 727-740. DOI: 10.1007/s12555-021-0167-0(SCI检索:JCR3区,IF: 1.616,WOS: 000590997900004)
(11) 石怀涛, 袁振明, 佟圣皓. "基于观测器的转子系统不对中早期故障." 科学技术与工程 (2022).
(12) 石怀涛, 侯马骁, 佟圣皓, 赵金宝. "不稳定子系统组成的离散时间切换系统区间观测器设计." 沈阳建筑大学学报 (自然科学版) (2022).
(1) Shi Huaitao, Li Yangyang, Bai Xiaotian, Wang Zinan, Zou Defang, Bao Zhigang, Wang Zhong. "Investigation of the orbit-spinning behaviors of the outer ring
in a full ceramic ball bearing-steel pedestal system in wide temperature ranges." Mechanical Systems and Signal Processing 149 (2021): 107317. DOI: 10.1016/j.ymssp.
2020.107317(高被引论文,SCI检索:JCR1区,IF:8.934,TOP期刊,WOS: 000629877500001)
(2) Hu Yunjian, Sun Jie, Shi Huaitao*, Peng Wen, Zhang Dianhua, Zhang Ke. "Distributed model predictive control
based on neighborhood optimization for thickness and tension control system in tandem cold rolling mill." ISA transactions 129 (2022): 206-216. DOI:10.1016/j.isatra.
2021.12.030(SCI检索:JCR1区,IF:5.911,WOS: 000875900500019)
(3) Hou Maxiao, Shi Huaitao*. "Stator-winding incipient shorted-turn fault detection for motor system
in motorized spindle using modified interval observers." IEEE Transactions on Instrumentation and Measurement 70 (2020): 1-16. DOI: 10.1109/TIM.
2020.3040994 (SCI检索:JCR1区,IF:5.332,WOS:000681487400068)
(4) Zhang Ke, Wang Jingyu, Shi Huaitao*, Zhang Xiaochen, Tang Yinghan. "A fault diagnosis method based on improved convolutional neural network
for bearings under variable working conditions." Measurement 182 (2021): 109749. DOI: 10.1016/j.measurement.2021.109749 (SCI检索:JCR1区,IF:5.131,WOS: 000683706100002)
(5) Shi Huaitao, Li Yangyang, Bai Xiaotian, Zhang Ke. "Sound-aided fault feature extraction method for rolling bearings
based on stochastic resonance and time-domain index fusion." Applied Acoustics 189 (2022): 108611. DOI: 10.1016/j.apacoust.2021.108611(SCI检索:JCR1区,IF:3.614,WOS:000789840200006)
(6) Bai Xiaotian, Shi Huaitao*, Sun Jie, Wang Zinan, Zou Defang. "Localization of double spalling on the outer rings of
paired ball bearings by time-delay sound analysis." Measurement Science and Technology 32.9 (2021): 094002. DOI:10.1088/1361-6501/abeb42(SCI检索:JCR2区,IF:2.398,WOS: 000657491200001)
(7) Shi Huaitao, Shang Yajun, Zhang Xiaochen, Tang Yinghan. "Research on the initial fault prediction method of rolling bearings
based on DCAE-TCN transfer learning." Shock and Vibration 2021 (2021). DOI: 10.1155/2021/5587756(SCI检索:JCR3区,IF:1.616WOS: 000640286700003)
(8)Shi Huaitao, Li Yangyang, Zhou Peng, Tong Shenghao, Guo Liang, Li Baicheng. "Weak Fault Detection for Rolling Bearings
in Varying Working Conditions through the Second-Order Stochastic Resonance Method with Barrier Height Optimization."
Shock and Vibration 2021 (2021). DOI: 10.1155/2021/5539912 (SCI检索:JCR3区,IF:1.616,WOS: 000657491200001)
(9)石怀涛, 刘子濛, 白晓天, 马辉. "全陶瓷轴承外圈裂纹位置识别方法", 航空学报, pp. 1-11, DOI: 10.7527/S1000-6893.2021.25481
(10)石怀涛, 白晓天等. "温变配合间隙对全陶瓷球轴承-转子系统动态特性影响分析", 振动与冲击, vol. 40, no. 14, pp. 53-59, DOI: 10.13465/j.cnki.jvs.2021.14.008
(11)石怀涛, 侯马骁, 吴玉厚, 佟圣皓, 何劝云. "基于改进观测器的故障检测方法研究", 控制与决策, pp. 1-7, DOI: 10.13465/j.cnki.jvs.2021.14.008
(12)石怀涛, 白晓天, 尚亚俊. "基于贝叶斯优化的SWDAE-LSTM滚动轴承早期故障预测方法研究,振动与冲击,DOI:10.13465/j.cnki.jvs.2021.18.036
(1) H. T. Shi, X. T. Bai. "Model-based uneven loading condition monitoring of full ceramic ball bearings in starved lubrication."
Mechanical Systems and Signal Processing 139 (2020): 106583. DOI: 10.1016/j.ymssp.2019.106583(高被引论文,SCI检索:JCR1区,IF:8.934,TOP期刊,WOS: 000518874100006)
(2) Shi Huaitao, Guo Jin, Bai Xiaotian, Guo Lei, Liu Zhenpeng. "Gearbox incipient fault detection based on deep recursive dynamic principal component analysis."
IEEE Access 8 (2020): 57646-57660. DOI: 10.1109/ACCESS.2020.2982213(中科院2区,IF:3.476,WOS: 000527411700144)
(3) Shi Huaitao, Hou Maxiao, Wu Yuhou, Guo Jin, Feng Dakuo. "Leader-following consensus of first-order multi-agent systems with dynamic hybrid quantizer."
International Journal of Control, Automation and Systems 18.11 (2020): 2765-2773. DOI: 10.1007/s12555-019-0898-3(SCI检索:JCR1区,IF:2.964,WOS: 000533845400008)
(4) Shi Huaitao, Guo Jin, Bai Xiaotian, Guo Lei, Liu Zhenpeng, Sun Jie. "Research on a nonlinear dynamic incipient fault detection method for rolling bearings."
Applied Sciences 10.7 (2020): 2443. DOI: 10.3390/app10072443(SCI检索:JCR1区,IF:2.838,WOS: 000533356200242)
(5) Tong Shenghao, Zhang Ke, Shi Huaitao*, Zhao Jinbao, Sun Jie. "Adaptive Visual Servoing Control for Hoisting Positioning Under Disturbance Condition."
Applied Sciences 10.7 (2020): 2562. DOI: 10.3390/app10072562(SCI检索:JCR1区,IF:2.838,WOS: 000533356200361)
Academic Journal of Manufacturing Engineering 18.1 (2020).
(7) 石怀涛;尚亚俊;白晓天;郭磊;马辉.基于贝叶斯优化的SWDAE-LSTM滚动轴承早期故障预测方法研究 [J],振动与冲击,2020年.
(8) 石怀涛;姚福星;白晓天;何劝云;佟圣皓.基于能量分析的桥式起重机防摆控制方法研究[J],控制与决策,2020年.
(1) Yue Guodong, Cui Xiushi, Zou Yuanyuan, Bai Xiaotian, Wu Yuhou, Shi Huaitao*. "A Bayesian wavelet packet denoising criterion for
mechanical signal with non-Gaussian characteristic." Measurement 138 (2019): 702-712. DOI: 10.1016/j.measurement.2019.02.066(中科院2区,IF:5.131,WOS: 000464636400065)
(2) H. T. Shi, X. T. Bai, K. Zhang, Y. H. Wu; G. D. Yue. "Influence of uneven loading condition on the sound radiation of starved lubricated full ceramic ball bearings."
Journal of Sound and Vibration 461 (2019): 114910. DOI: 10.1016/j.jsv.2019.114910(SCI检索:JCR1区,IF:4.761,WOS: 000486992900012)
(3) X. T. Bai, Y. H. Wu, I. C. Rosca, K. Zhang, H. T. Shi*. "Investigation on the effects of the ball diameter difference in the sound radiation of full ceramic bearings."
Journal of Sound and Vibration 450 (2019): 231-250. DOI: 10.1016/j.jsv.2019.02.015(SCI检索:JCR1区,IF:4.761,WOS: 000463661400013)
(4) H. T. Shi, X. T. Bai, K. Zhang, Z. N. Wang, Z. M. Liu. "Spalling localization on the outer ring of hybrid ceramic ball bearings based on the sound signals."
IEEE Access 7 (2019): 134621-134634. DOI: 10.1109/ACCESS.2019.2941982(SCI检索:JCR1区,IF:3.476,WOS: 000509398500001)
(5) Shi Huaitao, Guo Lei, Tan Shuai, Bai Xiaotian. "Rolling bearing initial fault detection using long short-term memory recurrent network."
IEEE Access 7 (2019): 171559-171569. DOI: 10.1109/ACCESS.2019.2954091(SCI检索:JCR1区,IF:3.476,WOS: 000509374200017)
(6) Shi Huaitao, Li Gang, Bai Xiaotian, Huang Jianqi. "Research on nonlinear control method of underactuated gantry crane based on machine vision positioning."
Symmetry 11.8 (2019): 987. DOI: 10.3390/sym11080987 (SCI检索:JCR2区,IF:2.94,WOS: 000483559300099)
(7) Shi Huaitao, Guo Lei, Tan Shuai, Li Gang, Sun Jie. "Improved parallax image stitching algorithm based on feature block."
Symmetry 11.3 (2019): 348. DOI: 10.3390/sym11030348(SCI检索:JCR2区,IF:2.94,WOS: 000464401800003)
(8) Shi Huaitao, Li Gang, Ma Xin, Sun Jie. "Research on nonlinear coupling anti-swing control method of double pendulum gantry crane based on improved energy."
Symmetry 11.12 (2019): 1511. DOI: 10.3390/sym11121511(SCI检索:JCR2区,IF:2.94,WOS: 000508127700082)
(9) Zhang Ke, Tong Shenghao, Shi Huaitao. "Trajectory prediction of assembly alignment of columnar precast concrete members with deep learning."
Symmetry 11.5 (2019): 629. DOI: 10.3390/sym11050629(SCI检索:JCR2区,IF:2.94,WOS: 000470990900032)
(10) Shi Huaitao, Liu Zimeng, Bai Xiaotian, Li Yupeng, Wu Yuhou. "A theoretical model with the effect of cracks in the local spalling of full ceramic ball bearings."
Applied Sciences 9.19 (2019): 4142. DOI: 10.3390/app9194142(SCI检索:JCR2区,IF:2.838,WOS: 000496258100200)
(11) Shi Huaitao, Hou Maxiao, Wu Yuhou. "Distributed control for leader-following consensus problem of second-order multi-agent systems
and its application to motion synchronization." Applied Sciences 9.20 (2019): 4208. DOI: 10.3390/app9204208(SCI检索:JCR2区,IF:2.838,WOS: 000496269400011)
(12) Shi Huaitao, Bai Xiaotian, Zhang Ke, Wu Yuhou, Wang Zinan. "Effect of thermal-related fit clearance between outer ring and pedestal
on the vibration of full ceramic ball bearing." Shock and Vibration 2019 (2019). DOI: 10.1155/2019/8357807(SCI检索:JCR2区,IF:1.616,WOS: 000493132700001)
(13) 轧钢过程数据驱动故障诊断与质量预报方法研究,2019年1月,科学出版社[M],978-7-03-060102-5,专著,220千字.
(14) SolidWorks2019基础教程,2019年09月,机械工业出版社[M],978-7-111-63563-5,编著,271千字.
(1) 石怀涛等,一种基于声振信号融合的滚动轴承故障检测方法
(2) 石怀涛等,一种滚动轴承剥落位置判定方法
(3) 石怀涛等,一种球轴承故障检测方法
(4) 石怀涛等,一种装配式建筑吊装平台行架顶升偏差校验装置及方法
(5) 石怀涛等,一种机械式立体停车库的车辆停车姿态自动识别方法
(6) 石怀涛等,基于同步均方根之比的轴承外圈故障定位方法
(7) 石怀涛等,一种齿轮箱早期故障检测方法
(8) 石怀涛等,一种砌体墙成型设备
(9) 石怀涛等,一种用于机械式停车库搬运车的车身宽度自适应装置
(10) 石怀涛等, 一种建筑预制构件外形尺寸自动测量装置
(11) 石怀涛等,一种基于接近开关的混凝土布料机自动预标定方法
(12) 石怀涛等,一种装配式建筑预制构件精准装配装置及方法
(13) 石怀涛等,一种基于接近开关的混凝土布料机自动预标定方法
(14) 石怀涛等,一种装配式建筑预制构件精准装配装置及方法
(15) 石怀涛等,一种多功能五轴复合式3D打印机
(16) 石怀涛等,一种智慧教室门禁锁及控制方法
(17) 石怀涛等,玻璃保险丝管可熔体质量缺陷检测方法
(1) 石怀涛等,一种装配式建筑预制墙板安装定位与布模装置
(2) 石怀涛等,一种适用于装配式建筑的预制构件自动吊装装置
(3) 石怀涛等,一种用于装配式建筑的多自由度吊装装置
(4) 石怀涛等,一种预制构件信息采集装置及预制构件信息自动校验系统
(5) 石怀涛等,一种用于机床电主轴的偏心补偿系统
(6) 石怀涛等,一种基于机器视觉的建筑预制构件精确就位机器人
(7) 石怀涛等,一种多光源多自由度可变式平台液体3D打印机
(8) 石怀涛等,一种适用于装配式建筑的自动式预制构件综合检测平台
(9) 石怀涛等,一种高质量高精度3D金属粉末打印机
1.《钻孔和基础施工设备安全要求 第 1 部分:桩和其他基础施工设备》,国家标准。
2.《钻孔和基础施工设备安全要求 第 2 部分:建筑施工用移动式钻机》,国家标准。
3.《钻孔和基础施工设备安全要求 第 3 部分:通用要求》,国家标准。
4. 建筑施工机械与设备钢筋加工机械安全要求,GB/T38176-2019,国家标准。
5. 基于柔性铰链机构和压电陶瓷驱动器的纳米定位与扫描平台测量方法,GB/T38614-2020,国家标准。
1. 李刚,2020届毕业生,省优秀硕士学位论文,校优秀硕士学位论文,山东大学博士在读。
2. 侯马骁,2021届毕业生,省优秀硕士学位论文,校优秀硕士学位论文,西安交通大学博士在读。
3. 李阳阳,2022届毕业生,省优秀硕士学位论文,校优秀学位论文,大连理工大学博士在读。
4. 郭磊,2020届毕业生,校优秀学位论文,华东理工大学博士在读。
5. 郭瑾,2021届毕业生,校优秀硕士学位论文,沈阳工学院任教。
6. 尚亚俊,2022届毕业生,校优秀学位论文,青岛理工大学博士在读。